The answer here is, you don't need an Automatic Pool Cover, but you should want one. For me the main reason I want an automatic pool cover on every pool we sell is safety. An automatic pool cover is hands down the number one device for preventing pool related accidents.
When your pool is covered with your Coverpools Automatic Pool Cover, there is no way anyone can gain access to your pool. Imagine you have a pool without a cover. Your pool has an aluminm fence and a gate to keep unwanted pool users out. Do you really think that will stop a motivated kid from jumping your fence and getting in your pool? Think again. You could have the best fence in the worldbut there will always be a way for someone to access your pool water. With an automatic pool cover when it is covered it is 100% safe.
Now that we have the safety aspect out of the way, lets talk about the history of the auto cover.
It starts with Coverpools. Coverpools invented the modern day automatic pool cover system. Coverpools can cover any type of pool, new or existing, in ground or above ground.
Coverpools constantly strives for continuous improvement. Thats whey they were the first to implement the use of stainless steel cables instead of the typical rope systems.
Coverpools also released the new T4 System for 2018. A smaller more powerful motor to help reduce the footprint on the motor side.
For the Originals in Fiberglass Pool Manufacturing, Automatic Pool Covers and Fiberglass Pool Construction Choose Pool Pros.