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Ultra Violet Sanitizing and the Death of the Salt Water Pool

Writer: Michael BowersMichael Bowers

You’re probably asking what the heck is UV Sanitizing? Ultra Violet Sanitizing is the number one selling alternate sanitizer currently in the pool industry. This may seem hard to believe as you have probably read the numerous blogs promoting salt water pools. Salt systems are ok if you like an expensive start up cost, the repairs to pool equipment from galvanic corrosion (especially autocovers) the tendency of staining and scaling of pool surfaces, complicating your water chemistry and the replacement cost of salt cells every1 to 3 years. At Pool Pros we try to keep our pool systems as easy to use and user friendly as possible and the Delta UV System blows any salt system out of the water. To be truthful every salt system we have installed has been switched over to UV, with very satisfied clients.

With the use of a Delta UV System your pool will cost less to operate, use less chemicals and your pool water will be easier to balance and easier on your eyes and hair. This blog is loaded with the info needed to help you make an educated purchase when it comes to alternate sanitizing systems.

Lets start out with what is UV LIGHT?

​Ultraviolet (UV) light is energy within the electromagnetic spectrum that has shorter wavelengths than that which are visible to the human eye. UV light is a range of electromagnetic waves from 100 to 400 nanometers (between x-ray and visible light). The division of UV light is classified as Vacuum UV (100-200 nm), UV-C (200-280 nm), UV-B (280-315 nm) and UV-A (315-400 nm). The energy waves provided in the UV-C spectrum demonstrate the germicidal efficiencies that provide highly effective disinfection.

How Does UV Sanitization Work?

UV light works by causing permanent damage to the DNA or RNA found in all living species. Once DNA becomes damaged, or dimerized, the organism is unable to carry out the routine cell functions of the respiration, the assimilation of food and replication; the organism is rendered non-viable. UV is the only disinfection alternative that is chemical free, therefore will not create chemical by-products. UV is also used for removal of organic and inorganic contaminants and breaks down chlorine (disinfection) by-products or DBP, called chloramines. Chloramine exposure commonly leads to stinging (red) eyes, skin irritations, asthma and allergies.

Enough of the technical speak, here is how it works in everyday terms.

As water flows through a chamber that contains a UV bulb, the UV light kills organic contaminants, and destroys combined chlorine molecules that are responsible for eye irritation and green hair.

Pros of using Delta Ultra Violet Sanitizing

  1. The system does not affect or change water chemistry. It does not ad or produce chemicals so its use equates to lower amounts of chemicals required to treat your pool.

  2. Ease of Use: After the initial installation of the system there is nothing required by the user other than bulb replacement every 2 or 3 season at a cost of about $220.00. This is 1/3 the price of replacing a salt cell over the same time period.

  3. Reduced operating cost. Your UV system increases the efficiency of the chemicals in the pool, thus reducing the amount needed to keep your pool balanced, in turn saving you money.

  4. The Unit is unionized which makes service quick and easy.

  5. Initial cost is roughly about half of what a salt system costs. Approximatley $1000.00 installed.

Cons of Ultra Violet Sanitizing

  1. Cost of replacing bulb every 2-3 season $220.00.

  2. The system is very fragile and can be damaged easily if handled in a rough manner.

  3. Requires special attention when winterizing in freezing climates.

Green Bay, WI 

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