We really shouldnt have to write this article but far too often lately people are misusing their brand new pool equipment and causing expensive repairs that just simply shouldnt happen. In this article we will break down a few key points that we need to hit home to help new pool owners save on costly repairs of their brand new pool equipment that will not be covered by any warranty!
We need to get real right off the bat with this one, and to be frank we don't care if it ruffles a few feathers. Thats how important this topic is. To start out I am going to hit you with this tidbit so listen up. To all new pool owners, PAY ATTENTION! Pay attention to your pool contractor when they are giving you your final walk through or orientation on how to operate and care for your new swimming pool. If you're not going to take the time to head the advice of your pool builder you are putting your new pool and your sanity at risk. I am not going to sugar coat things in this article so put your seat belt on because it is going to be a bumpy ride.
At Pool Pros we provide our clients a full walk through on how the pool equipment operates and how to maintain the pool. We also provide a series of educational videos that reinforce how to maintain your new fiberglass pool along with a pdf guidebook that hits you a 3rd time with guidleines for caring for your pool. Granted it may seem overwhelming at first to take over your new pool but at Pool Pros we fully expect a few follow up calls with questions. However these highlighted no no's just cant happen.
Like everything in life you are ultimately responsible for your personal posessions and that includes your new pool. Pools are expensive and have alot of expensive gadgets attached to them that can be damaged by pool owners negligence. If that negligence leads to damage to the pool shell and or its components, the cost to repair that damage is solely the responsibility of the pool owner. There are no warranties of any type that cover damage cause to the pool by the pool owner and or any other contractors the homeowner may hire to perform anywork in and around the pool area. So here are the top 3 things you should never do to your fiberglass pool!
#1 DONT DRAIN YOUR FIBERGLASS POOL! What I mean here is that regardless of the brand of fiberglass pool you have, never lower the water level below operating level. Doing so will instantly void your warranty. Not only that but it could cause very costly damage to your pool that you as the pool owner will be on the hook for. If the need should arise that your fiberglass pool needs to be drained, you must follow your specific manufactures recomendations to do so. It is highly recomended that you hire a pool professional to do this that has experience with fiberglass pools and has the proper insurance in the event that something goes wrong during the process.
#2 DO NOT TURN OFF THE VALVES IN YOUR PLUMBING! This should be common sense here but nowadays common sense doesnt seem too common. Lets get into it. At Pool Pros we install Pentair 2 way and 3 way valves that we use for servicing your pool and should only be used by a pool professional. These valves are to remain in the on/open position at all times while the pool pump is running. If you turn a valve off while the pump is still running you will likely damage the expensive equipment that sits on your equipment pad. The pump, pool heater, uv sanitizer, etc are all susceptable to damage by closing off the valves while the pump is running. To make things worse the cost to repair the damage, is on the pool owner. There is no warranty that covers the misuse or negligent use of your own pool equipment. So pay attention, when your builder is giving you your new pool oreintation and keep your valves in the open position while the pool pump is running. No one is responsible for your msitakes but you. Remember that!
Again, this should be common sense and is covered thoroughly in our pool oreintation with new pool owners. Never the less pool owners keep doing it! Ok, now first and foremost if your pool is equipped with an automatic pool cover every time the pool cover is closed you need to put your cover pump on top of the cover fabric. If ti rains the cover pump will pump the water off the top of the cover. Standing water on top of an automatic pool cover is a potential drowning hazard and needs to be eliminated. So if your pool cover has water on it do not try to open the cover. The added weight of the water can cause damage to your automatic pool cover. Automatic Pool Covers are nto designed to be operated in that manner and it will get damaged if you do operate it with water on top. An experienced service technicain can spot it right away too. Again this is another case where you as the pool owner will be responsible for the cost to repair your automatic pool cover. There is no warranty that will cover damage caused by a pool owner. So take notes.
Look, this is not meant to scare any new pool owner or potential pool owner, but to merely set some realistic expectations of what to expect when and if you cause damage to your own pool. Pools need tlc just like everything else these days, and unless you have alot of experience with fiberglass swimming pools I would recommend absorbing all the info your pool contractor is providing you, read all of the literature and watch all of the videos they provide you to ensure you are properly caring for your pool.