The best just keeps getting better. River Pools just announced 3 new updates to the already Industry-leading set of Installation Best Practices they have developed over the last 20 plus years. To better explain the new improvements to The River Pools Way, let's first talk about how River Pools installs there pools. Better yet lets have River Pools show you in this quick video.
Admittedly these improvements may not be glamorous or eye-popping but adding these few new steps to an already industry-leading process takes this system to another level.
The first improvement is that all pools sold moving forward will be installed with a geotextile fabric between the exposed base of the excavation and the clean stone base. What's the purpose of this you may ask? Well, it helps reduce the chance of the clean stone migrating into the sub-base material (ground). This is especially a good idea in sandy or soft soils that may allow the stone to get compacted or to migrate into the sub-base. If enough clean stone were to migrate into the sub-base the pool could potentially settle. The addition of the geotextile will help reduce that possibility. Another added layer of security toward a quality pool build.
This is a big one. River Pools is now requiring the use of 2.5" PVC pipe on the suction lines as part of " The River Pools Way methodology. Why is this beneficial to a homeowner? The larger pipe diameter allows the water in the pipe to flow at a lower velocity allowing for a more thorough filtration of the water and a reduction in the potential of an entrapment hazard. Last but not least it will help reduce wear and tear on the pool pump as well. It will be easier for the water to flow through a larger pipe in turn reducing the burden on your pool pump to move that water.
Last but not least, is the angled skimmer. The River Pools Way will feature the use of the 007 Skimmer invented by Thursday Pools. This skimmer helps alleviate the need to cant skimmer collars to make up for the 7 degrees cant of a fiberglass pool wall. This makes servicing your pool skimmer much easier, quicker, and cleaner.
There is a new top-secret tanning ledge installation methodology being developed and beta-tested as we speak. Details are a little foggy right now and I was sworn to secrecy but I couldn't resist letting you all know. The new advancement for installing pools with tanning ledges is supposed to help eliminate some of the challenges faced with installing the uber-popular tanning ledge. To say I am pumped is an understatement. More info is to be released on this soon.