At Pool Pros we are not afraid of competition. In fact, we think competition makes us all better. For that fact alone we have compiled the most comprehensive list of Fiberglass Pool Builders in Wisconsin so that you can choose the best builder for your project. Here they are, and in no particular order is the list of all the fiberglass pool builders in Wisconsin.
1: BRINKMANN FIBERGLASS POOLS: Brinkmann Pools is a fiberglass pool builder located in Oconomowoc, WI, and carries the Imagine Brand of Fiberglass Pools and only builds fiberglass pools. https://www.brinkmannfiberglasspools.com/
2: POOLWORKS INC: Poolworks Inc is based in West De Pere WI and builds vinyl, concrete, and fiberglass pools. Poolworks carries the Thursday Pool brand of fiberglass pools. https://www.poolworksinc.com/
3: SPRINGHETTI POOLS: Springhetti Pools is a division of Springhetti Landscaping based out of Kaukauna. Springhetti Pools uses Sonco Pool from Illinois to build their fiberglass pools and they use the Barrier Reef brand of Fiberglass Pools. https://www.springhettigroup.com/
4: VHC POOLS: VHC Pools is a division of Vande Hey Landscaping Company. VHC carries the Latham brand of Fiberglass Pools. VHC Pools is located in the Fox Valley. http://www.vandeheys.com/services/pools/
5: WATER CITY POOLS: Water City Pool is based in Oshkosh, WI, and offers above ground, vinyl in-ground, and fiberglass pools. Water City Pools carries Barrier Reef, Imagine, and Latham Fiberglass Pools. https://watercitypools.com/
6: CLEARWATER POOLS: Clear Water Pools is based in Mount Pleasant, WI, and offers vinyl and fiberglass pools. Clear Water carries the Latham Brand of Fiberglass Pools. https://clearwater.ws/
7: POOL BOY POOLS: Pool Boy Pools is based out of Whitewater, WI and offers the Latham brand of Fiberglass Pools http://poolboyfiberglasspools.com/fiberglass-pools/
8: PENGUIN POOLS: Penguin Pools has locations in Wisconsin and Minnesota and offers vinyl and fiberglass pools. Penguin Pools carries Latham Fiberglass Pools. https://www.penguinpool.com/
9: GREAT LAKES POOL AND SPA: Great Lakes Pools is located in Thiensville, WI, and offers both vinyl and fiberglass pools. Great Lakes carries the Leisure Brand of Fiberglass Pools.
10: CAPITOL POOLS: Capitol Pools is based in Madison and carries the San Juan brand of Fiberglass Pools. https://www.capitolpool.com/
11: BLAISER POOLS: Blaiser Pools is based in Hudson, WI, and offers the Latham brand of fiberglass pools. https://www.blaiserpools.com/
12: POOL PROS: Pool Pros is based in Green Bay, WI, and carries the River Pools brand of fiberglass pools. www.poolproswi.com
13: LAKE GENEVA POOL & SPAS: Based in Lake Geneva WI, carries the River Pools Brand of fiberglass pools and covers the Southeast Region of WI and the Northeast Corner of Illinois. www.lakegenevapoolandspas.com
If you are ready to take the next step towards getting your own fiberglass pool contact Pool Pros today for pricing on our fiberglass pools. https://www.poolproswi.com/contact