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How to save money when building a fiberglass pool?


This is one of the most frequent questions we are asked when meeting with potential pool owners. It couldn't be any more relevant than right now. The last few years have brought a huge demand to the swimming pool industry and with that demand, we saw drastic price increases from vendors and not to mention, product shortages. Combine that with record inflation and prices for everything are at record highs. This can be said of fiberglass pools as well.

With record-high prices, it only makes sense to look for areas in which we can help our clients bring the price of their fiberglass pool down. The drawback to this is that it means we as the pool builder will be doing less and you as the homeowner will be taking a bigger role in your project. Ill break down a few areas where pool owners can save money on their new pool build.

1: Spoils On Site

We can typically save around $600-$1000.00 by leaving the excavated material from your pool on site.The downside to this is that you will need to move the material yourself. Trust me when I say that you will have close to 2 times more dirt than you expect. This is not something you can move and spread with a wheelbarrow and a shove. You will need to have a machine like a skid loader on hand to tackle this task.

2: No site cleanup:

If your pool builder doesn't provide site clean up this means that the homeowner will be responsible for repairing the yard once the pool builder has completed your project. This could be as simple as spreading some topsoil and seeding to performing grading work, removal of stone,etc.

3:Fewer Pool Lights:

Reduce the number of lights in the pool or remove pool lights altogether. This can save you anywhere from $600.00-$1,800.00 off the top of your project.

4: No Heater:

Remove the heater from your pool project but leave space in case you add one later. This can save you anywhere from $2,000.00 to $4,000.00 based on the size of the heater.

5: No Concrete or Decking

This is an area where you may be able to hire a concrete contractor directly and save some money. Just be sure they have experience with cantilevered concrete pool decks. Pool decks and pool coping will make or break your entire project so be certain whomever you hire is capable of this work.

6: Smaller Pool

This is a great option for some. Sometimes shrinking the size of your pool can have a cascade affect for the cost of the entire project. A smaller pool may lead to a smaller patio, less landscaping,etc. Which all leads to lower costs to complete your fiberglass pool project.

7: Slides & Accessories

Holding off on things like slides, basketball and volleyball systems may be an option to help save some money up front. Most pool accessories can be added at a later time. Some consideration needs to be made however for slides and or water features. Both slides and water features will require water and or electrical supply to them so it may be beneficial to have these items plumbed in or stubbed in for future installation at the time that your pool is built.

8: Smaller Pool Deck/Patio

Reduce the size of your pool deck now to save money yet plan to add to it down the road. This is another great option to reduce the cost of your fiberglass pool. Everyone would like to have a large beautiful patio around your pool but maybe all you need initially is a 3' wide border around your pool. Then down the road maybe upgrade and add more patio where needed.

At Pool Pros we have heard potential pool owners' concerns about pricing and have developed a new "Economy" Pool Package that features a reduced equipment pad featuring the smaller Pentair Superflo variable speed, a smaller cartridge filter system, no heater, reduced lighting,etc. For more information on our Fiberglass Pool Packages of 2022 call Pool Pros today @ 920-771-0107.


Green Bay, WI 

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