Everything you need to know about pool colors may seem like a pretty boring topic but picking the right color for your fiberglass pool can be daunting for pool shoppers. Afterall the pool color you choose will be with you for life... or until you sell your home. So to help relieve some of the stress that may come with choosing your pool color we (Pool Pros) has put together this article that breaks down the pros on cons of varying pool colors along with providing a few points to consider that most pool shoppers and pool sales guys don't think about. Lets dive in.
At Pool Pros we carry the River Pool brand of Fiberglass Pools. Currently River Pools offers 6 fiberglass pool colors. They range from Diamond which is a light grey pool color, to the show stopper, the bold and beautiful Maya Shimmer. Take a look at these pool color options below.
For the sake of this article lets break down these fiberglass pool colors into 2 categories. The first will be neutral colored pools and the second category will be contrasting pool colors
River Pools Arctic Shimmer River Pools Maya
River Pools Caribbean Sparkle River Pools California
River Pools Diamond
River Pools Sandstone
NEUTRAL POOL COLORS: As you can see from the lists above River Pools has 4 beautiful neutral pool color options to choose from. Below is a Gallery of Neutral Fiberglass Pool Colors. From left to right we have the River Pools X36 Fiberglass Pool in Diamond Pool Color, next we have the River Pools M30 Fiberglass Pool in the Arctic Shimmer Pool Color and on the right we have the River Pools D36 Fiberglass Pool in Caribbean Sparkle Pool Color.
CONTRASTING POOL COLORS: River Pools currently has 2 pool colors that we would classify as contrasting pool colors. In the gallery below we have 3 River Pools Fiberglass Pools in the Contrasting Pool Color variety. From left to right we have the River Pools D36 Fiberglass Pool in Maya, next we have the River Pools C35 Fiberglass Pool in Maya Shimmer and at the right we have the River Pools R40 Fiberglass Pool in Maya as well.
So what's the big deal about pool color anyway, right? True for some pool owners picking the right pool color is an easy choice, but, there are a few things that are often overlooked when it comes to picking a pool color. That's why Pool Pros is here, to shed some light onto the pros and cons to each category of pool color.

1:Neutral pool colors are more subdued and blend well with just about any homes exterior and landscaping.
2: The neutral pool color may also help in resell value of the home should you find yourself selling your home.
3: The neutral pool color may hide staining and scaling of the pool surface better than a brightly colored pool.
4: Neutral colored pools are easier to repair and the repairs are much less noticeable then those on a brightly colored pool.
The only downside we see to choosing a neutral pool color is that it does not have that pop of color that a contrasting pool color has and is lacking in drama. If you are looking for bold, striking dramatic pool colors a neutral pool color may not be for you.

1: Contrasting pool colors really pop and are a major statement piece to anyone's backyard. If you are looking for a pool color that will really get your attention a contrasting colored pool finish is the ticket for you.
1: If the pool water chemistry is left out of balance for too long you may begin to see scaling or staining more easily on a contrasting color pool than on a neutral color pool which can be challenging to correct.
2: Repairs to the surface of a contrasting color pool are more difficult to color match and repairs are often noticeable.
Pool safety in regards to color choice is often overlooked and seldom thought of during the process of buying a pool but is very important to consider and here is why. Neutral colored pools are easy to see to the bottom and its generally easy to tell if someone is in the pool. The same may not be true for a deep rich colored pool like the River Pools Maya Shimmer. A person, pet or child that has settled to the bottom of a deeply colored pool may be overlooked since the pool color may not allow them to stand out like they would against a white, light blue or light gray pool finish. Pool Safety and diligent monitoring are necessary in any swimming pool but any client buying a darker colored pool should be made aware of this difference in visibility.

What is the actual color of your pool actually going to be? That's a weird question right? Not really. To be perfectly honest the color sample and photos of the pool color you chose are not what your pool may actually look like! When you are shown a color sample of your pools finish during the sales process it will likely be a slightly different color once the pool is filled. The color can also change slightly based on the angle of the sun, time of day, if its overcast or sunny, etc. The slight color variance you see when your pool is filled may not be very drastic but it is helpful when you are pool shopping to not only ask for samples of the pools color finish but to also see photos of the pool with a matching finish in different settings and lighting. Better yet if you can see one in person it will give you the true perspective of what your pool may look like once it is filled. Below we break down the relationship of water and light and how it can affect the color of your pool.
Sunlight Absorption:
Sunlight changes the color of a pool by interacting with the water molecules, causing the water to absorb certain wavelengths of light (like red and orange) while reflecting primarily blue wavelengths, making the pool appear more blue; the intensity of sunlight directly affects how vibrant this blue color appears, with more direct sunlight making the pool look brighter and more blue.
Key points about how sunlight affects pool color:
Sun angle:
The angle of sunlight hitting the pool can also impact the perceived color, with direct overhead sunlight making the pool appear lighter and more vibrant.
Pool finish:
The color of the pool's interior lining interacts with the sunlight to further influence the perceived water color.
Depth of water:
Deeper water absorbs more light, making it appear darker than shallow areas, even under the same sunlight.
As you can see in the photos above, the actual pool color can vary quite a bit once the pool is filled. The color hue from the shallow end to the deep end are slightly different as well. To some unexpecting pool owners this can be a lot to swallow once your pool is filled. However its the nature of all swimming pools and cant be avoided. The key is to be aware of this before your pool is filled.
At Pool Pros our goal in writing this article is provide potential pool owners with a realistic set of expectations when it comes to choosing the right pool color and both the advantages and disadvantages associated with pool color options so that they are best prepared to make the right choice in pool color when the time comes.
If you are ready to take the next step into pool ownership don't hesitate to give Pool Pros a call to schedule your pool consultation. 1-920-771-0107.