Learn How We Install Fiberglass Pools The River Pools Way

Our unique fiberglass pool installation methodology incorporates a series of ground-breaking best practices. If properly implemented, The River Pools Way Advanced Fiberglass Pool Installation eliminates the most common problems in fiberglass pool installations. Check out this Quick Video from River Pools.
Cross section of an installed fiberglass pool


Clean Fractured Stone Backfill Material
What is backfill material?
It is simply the material that we place under the pool and around the outside of the pool shell after it is set in the excavated hole.
The use of clean, crushed stone backfill is imperative to the long-term success of a fiberglass pool installation.
Sand is the traditional material used in the industry, and it works well in areas with pure sandy soils. But it doesn’t take a soil specialist to understand what happens to sand when it becomes saturated with water: it liquifies.

All Schedule 40
PVC Hard Pipe
When installing a pool, there are basically two types of plumbing pipe to choose from: hard pipe or flexible pipe.
Installing pools The River Pools Way, we only use hard pipe.
Because it does not flex and bend with the contours of the pool, it does require more effort to install. But because flexible pipe is actually not rated for underground use, we don’t feel it's worth the risk.

How the"Rhino Rod"
Fuses the Fiberglass
Pool Shell and
Patio Together
One area of concern is where the pool shell and patio join.
River Pools developed the Rhino Rod to fuse the fiberglass pool shell and patio together to prevent shifting, settlement, or movement of any kind that could result in structural failure.
The Rhino Rod is a 12-inch-long composite rod that we install into the top of the pool shell. It becomes encased in the concrete bond beam that we pour around the perimeter of the pool.

Plumbing Straps
Secure Plumbing to
the Pool Shell
One of the major causes of pool plumbing leaks is movement.
When pipes shift, this sets in motion a chain reaction that puts undue stress on the pipe, plumbing connections, and the attached components of the pool such as return jets, skimmers, and drains.
In The River Pools Way, we secure the plumbing by fastening the pipes to the pool shell using a strap system. This ensures no stress is placed on any component of the plumbing system.

Plumbing Encased in
Stone to Prevent
Plumbing Settlement
Unlike sand, the right stone backfill will not move or settle. This creates a condition for long-term plumbing success.

12” Thick Concrete
Bond Beam around
Perimeter of Pool
All inground fiberglass pools require some concrete to be poured around their perimeter to stabilize the pool shell.
With The River Pools Way, this concrete bond beam is poured extra thick and flows under the lip of the fiberglass pool shell and encases the Rhino-Rod.
As this concrete “bites” around the Rhino-Rod and the lip of the pool, it “locks” everything into place, ensuring the pool and patio will be structurally secure for many, many years.

Sump Pipe for
Ground Water
Eventually, all fiberglass pools will need to be drained.In order to safely do that y ou must be able to inspect and remove any groundwater around the outside of the pool shell to prevent damage.
Because we think long-term, The River Pools Way includes a sump pipe so you can do just that.

Fiberglass Pool Installation Timelapse Video
To help give you a good idea of what is involved with the process of building a fiberglass pool, River Pools put together a timelapse video that covers every aspect of a fiberglass pool project. Not every pool project is this elaborate but the video will give you a solid idea of what's involved.
Fiberglass Pool Installation

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